Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Good, The Bad, and The Unfortunate

This was a bit of a mixed Christmas with good, bad, and surely unfortunate elements. Let’s review.

The Good

Going back to Edmonton for four days meant two days to visit everyone who wanted to see me. I ran around for two days straight visiting as many people as I could. I even got in two separate games nights. Very fun. The other two days were spent wallowing in family craziness. Also very fun. Setting up for supper with so many people around always provides some interesting moments. Usually they include multiple counts of one or more person telling my mother to get the heck out of the kitchen and visit with people. The massive Asshole card game was also fun. Then there is the food. Oooohhhhh the food. Yummy, delicious, wonderful, clog your arteries and stop your heart food. It’s just so sad I couldn’t bring it all back with me. But at least I came home to turkey and potato leftovers. Yay! And ranking right up there with food is money. I got a Christmas bonus from work that I was totally not expecting. Complete surprise seeing as how the only Christmas bonus I ever got before was a beer.

The Bad

The number one bad this season was that Fancy and I spent it apart. I went back to hang with my family and left her here with hers. Next year we stick together. Runner up to that is me forgetting to get gifts that people wanted. I remembered jette’s Totally 80s Trivial Pursuit, but forgot Fancy’s Anne of Green Gables. Good thing her sister got it for her. Didn’t get me off the hook though. And then there is buying gifts and losing them two hours later. Bought my sisters gift, went for lunch with Joe and lost the gift. Couldn’t find it anywhere. Luckily Marc found the bag at his place…after Christmas day though. Still, my sister gets her gift in the end. To round out the list of bad this Christmas season is the movie Cabin Fever. It’s bad. We watched it Christmas night at my sisters. Well, she watched some of it as she doesn’t like gore but yeah, just bad.

The Unfortunate

We end with the poor unfortunate soul that is Fancy. Check out what she has to live with on a daily basis.

Grade 9 Mullet

Worse Grade 9 Mullet

Ok, she doesn’t have to live with this currently, but she has to live with the knowledge that this is where I came from (Grade 9 I believe). It’s her cross to bear, but we can all pity her for it.


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